Hello. My name is jay. I am 17 and 1/4. I go to Miss Elvy's Curious School of the Wild. I am a youth Leader.
My specialities are:
Being a wild Dinner Lady
Following kids who may find themselves in peril.
I have a special talent for getting kids out of trees.
If you are lucky, I might make a den with you or even make food out of mud and pretend to eat it!
Outdoor First Aid. Apart from it has only had to be used on myself.

I like the food that we eat. Such as:
Cornish Clam Bake [the layers of seaweed were great]
I really liked the cake we made in a mug. I called it a cup cake, I'm sure this will really take off.
Being a leader means that I get special camp fire Coffee #perks
Leek and Potato Soup in the Primus pan
Hot Spiced Apple Juice at The Great Pumpkinapple

My funniest Forest Moments:
Tom using a stick as a chainsaw with accurate sound effects makes me laugh a lot. Every time
When Ieasha attacked me with mud but I was so shocked it was hilarious
When I split my waterproofs doing power-slides down the hill
When we did gravity buckets, I was trying to demonstrate that the water wouldn't fall on you when we suddenly get a bucket of water thrown at us
Tom and I were taking selfies on the way down the hill with our Nordic Gnomes
Amy made a pancake out of water and flipped it in my face. Twice

The Coolest Things I've discovered:
I once found a network of ants (and then we fed them bits of our lunch to move them around and watch them carry it)
Foaming Trees. When it was really raining the sap from the pines made a bubble bath
We found two cute bats in a cave when were on camp
I have stumbled upon many perfectly placed dens that I thought were just for me [and then someone politely reminds me that it's Rocco's]

My conversations had while walking up the hill to the woods:
When Roxy then aged 6 said "You are invited to my birthday and there is a Disney Princess dress that would fit you"
Rocco told me that I could get into Lego Land for free because I am called Jay and am a part of Lego Ninjago
Zack asking about clouds I.D. and wondered if a cumulus cloud was called a skewer cloud
Explaining to Phoenix then aged 5 why he couldn't carry the Dutch Oven up the hill because it was bigger and heavier than him

Epic Fails:
Trying to look well professh, when I cut my finger and nearly fainted. And it was a special Christmas session, when I was supposed to play guitar!
I thought it was a great idea to make a rope swing when Otto the lightest kid fell to the floor because he was too heavy for it
Trying to remember something basic about maps and a compass when asked by Sally, our adult leader, when I had to just pass her over to Ned to explain instead
When hyped up as the scientist by my mum and she asked me in front of a Year 5 class what three things a fire needs and I said " Air, Fuel, oxygen"!
I climbed a tree to set up a tarp when my foot got so stuck that, when I climbed back down the tree and my foot and leg were still up there
A List Of The Best Beards I Made People Have: