What follows is a cool and very exciting list of outdoor blogs.
They are not categorised or in any order priority at all. I could not bring myself to make any judgement, even a tiny pigeon-holing one, on any hardworking outdoor person who still manages to find time, energy and passion to write about their work.
It is by no means a definitive list. It comes from a couple of days of reading and research happily done while I was suffering from the horrible "Zombie Virus" that has gone through all of the places that I work! Half term, Ill-typical! But I feel as if I have met loads of great outdoorsy, educating, creative and wild people without ever leaving my sofa. This blog then, is for you too, on a day or a weekend when you uncharacteristically are not actually in the wild doing what you normally do.
The list of blogs and bloggers here are varied, some you will know well and others are the secret blogs no one ever gets to know about. Some are outdoor Learning or Forest School based, some not. Some beautifully describe their daily lives or practice, some ask questions, some reflect back to us our outdoor lives, some remind us of the wonder of nature and some bring us ideas and creativity. What they all have in common is the generosity of spirit to share their work and experience.
All are outdoor treasure.
It is sooooo great that it is such a long list. What an energetic and inspiring community!
Let me know if you are a fan of any great outdoor blogs that should be on this list. :)